PCEA Ongata Chapel was founded on 6th of January the year 2002 in a classroom at Ongata Rongai Nursery school. The name chapel was coined by the then Mbagathi parish minister the Reverend Stephen Kariuki who hand in mind a chapel or a house of prayer where community members of the Nakeel High School, Nakeel primary school, Rongai primary school and Saitoti Health Centre plus the surrounding neighborhood would congregate for worship.
No sooner was the church started than membership started to grow in a rapid manner such that by May of the same year there arose a real need to make space to accommodate the increased number of believers. The Outreach foundation through Mr. Stuat Rose was requested to help in constructing a building for the church. The Mbagathi parish session gave the local church authority to build a sanctuary on the present ground which is part of the bigger Ngong/Ngong 558 land title deed that P.C.E.A foundation is a custodian. Within a record period of one week, the church in partnership with the outreach foundation build a mambati sanctuary. It was completed and opened on 8th June of the year 2003 by the then P.C.E.A Deputy Secretary General the Rev. Kinyanjui. On the occasion of the opening ceremony, the newly constructed mambati sanctuary was packed to capacity and the Rev. Kinyanjui pleaded with Mr. Stuat Rose to go an extra mile to help in the construction of an even bigger sanctuary. He consented to the request and offered the terms of engagement. The conditions initially seemed like a tall financial order to the members most of whom were of humble means but the challenge was taken positively by the leadership then together with the members.
The ground breaking ceremony led by the then clerk of the Ngong Hills Presbytery and Mbagathi Parish minister the Rev. Robert Waihenya was done on the 19th of November the year 2008. He also laid the foundation stone on the 7th of March year 2010. From thenceforth, things went in a clockwork manner and on 6th of May year 2010, the then Mbagathi parish minster Rev. Robert Waihenya Ndirangu was handed the keys to the expanded and completed church building by Mr. Stuat Rose to the jubilation of the elated congregation who were all praises to the Almighty God for His enduring faithfulness in the completion of the house of worship. The sanctuary was dedicated on 1st of August the year 2010 by the 15th and 16th Moderator of PCEA General Assembly the Very Rev. Dr. Jesse Kamau Macharia.
The church has grown since the inception of the PCEA Baraka parish and currently the Ongáta Chapel congregation has eight elder districts namely Chapel, Bethlehem, Galilee, Judea, Jordan, Nazareth, Horeb and Hosanna.
P.C.E.A Baraka Parish is among the 9 stations inn Kajiado Presbytery. It was inaugurated in the years 2011. Currently it is comprised of 3 congregations Ongata Chapel, Nkaimurunya and Macedonia that is main Parish headquarter.
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