P.C.E.A Macedonia was started on 7th May year 2000. It has its origins from and is an offshoot of P.C.E.A Kandisi. Kimandiro was an elder district of P.C.E.A Kandisi which was then under the lager Mbagathi Parish. In the rainy seasons, members were faced with a very serious challenge to an extent of being unable to attend church services as a result of flooding of the river Lamelepo. After living with the problem for some time, one day Sunday morning in the year 1999, some church leaders met at Beatrice Wahu Maara’s homestead for a worship service where 16 members, 13 youths and 17 church school children were in attendance. In one accord the members in consultation with then parish minister made a unanimous decision to make the venue a worship center until such a time they could get a suitable piece of land to build a sanctuary that would serve Kimantiro district and its environs.
In the intervening period a team of men of faith led by the Rev. Stephen Kariuki, the late elder Timothy Giathi, Joseph Kamau, David Kuria and James Karanja approached the late John Keen with a request to sell them a piece of land for the purpose of building a sanctuary for worship and prayers. The favor of the Lord was upon them as he readily agreed to sell them 2 acres of land valued at Kshs two million and graciously allowed them to move and occupy the land even before any deposit was made. The congregation managed to move from elder Beatrice Maara’s homestead to the present day P.C.E.A Macedonia ground on the 7th of May year 2000 from where services were conducted under the shade of an acacia tree for a number of months.
Midway in the year 2000, the church ground was blessed by the Rev. Stephen Kariuki and afterwards a series of funds drives were conducted until the year 2004 in an effort to raise the 2 million shillings for the purchase of the piece of land. As the worship services continued under the acacia tree, arrangements were made to start construction of a permanent sanctuary and the foundation was laid. The church rapidly grew and the numbers outgrew the small sanctuary made of iron sheets within no time. This prompted the construction of a bigger Mambati sanctuary on the already laid foundation. In the year 2005, just a year after the construction of the bigger Mambati sanctuary, by God’s grace the growth of the church continued unabated and plans to build the present day modern sanctuary was mooted to accommodate the growing membership. In just under a year down the line, a ground breaking ceremony took place on 8th of December year 2006 under the patronage of the then parish minister the Rev. Onesmus Kanyaru, the foundation stone was laid by Rev. Patrick Rukenya the then moderator of Ngong Hills presbytery on 16th of March year 2008.
After the construction and completion of the main works, the church leadership requested Rev. Dr. Charles Kibicho, who was holding brief for the very Rev. Dr. David Githii to allow the congregation to move from the old sanctuary to the newly constructed sanctuary. The request was gladly granted and the minister presided over a colorful and joyous exodus on the 8th of July year 2012.
Now, although the intention for the construction of the new church building was for use by the local congregation, soon after its completion, Baraka Parish and Kajiado Presbytery were established. It was decided that by virtue of the construction works of the church building and its strategic location in the middle of the parish, the Presbytery and Parish head offices headquarters became domiciled at the P.C.E.A Macedonia building where they are currently housed.
The sanctuary was eventually dedicated on the 31st of July year 2016 by the then secretary General of the 21st General Assembly the Rev. Peter Kania Kariuki. The gracious Lord of harvest has since seen the congregation grow both spiritually and numerically and at the time of writing this history the congregation membership stood at about five hundred and forty nine (549) full members, close to eighty (80) adherents and about two hundred (200) church school children.
Macedonia PCEA have 9 elder districts so far. Notably Elim, Eden, Zion, Upendo, Rehoboth, Bethel, Judah, Siloam and Caanan.
P.C.E.A Baraka Parish is among the 9 stations inn Kajiado Presbytery. It was inaugurated in the years 2011. Currently it is comprised of 3 congregations Ongata Chapel, Nkaimurunya and Macedonia that is main Parish headquarter.
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